Sunday, April 27, 2014

We see examples in the 21st century..of intolerance, labels, degrading names, stereotyping, jokes, rumors, media..all components on the first rung of the ladder of prejudice.

Speech...words matter
Cliven Bundy


  1. Words...when do they cross the line that leads to stereo types, propaganda, hate speech? Provide examples that happen today in your response.

    1. The world is a dramatic place, filled with hate, power, and one trying stand above the other. National leaders use words to brainwash the minds and create evil ways. Words cause "beef" that start actions to occur. For example hitler used his social ways to control the Germans to rain over the Jews which for all reasons caused ww2. He used racial stereotypes to change the mindset of many.

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  3. “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton." Cliven Bundy blatantly says that all black people would be better off picking cotton because otherwise they are sitting at home, collecting welfare. People like Bundy cross the line when they use stereotypes and hate speeches to define how they act and how they think others act, which is crossing the line.

  4. I believe when you cross the line to stereotypical statements is when you offend someone by the words you say. Examples would when you call something gay instead of using stupid or a different word, you can offend some one that can be around you thats homosexual.

  5. I feel like words become more personal, and more offending differently. Like there are certain words that you don't feel like you can say at all, and when you say them in a conversation meaninglessly it can be offending to anyone. However there are less impactful words, that can be said just joking around with your friends and won't be considered as mean unless it is directed at someone directly. But any kind of discriminating words said directly to someone, almost like an attack, is what we really have to worry about in society, because no matter who you are, being pin pointed and victimized is not a thing that anybody wants. I agree that sometimes we are careless when it comes to watching what we say, but I don't think that is ever going to change. There is always going to be cursing and discrimination, so as much as we reduce it, it is always going to be there. So maybe, we need to learn how to deal with those terms, and learn how to respond/handle them correctly.

  6. Using stereo typical slurs are never ok, but some situations are less offensive than others. For example, if you are hanging our with your friend and you call them an offensive word, they are not as likely to get offended as a person of the stereo type. These words cross the line when they are used in an offensive way, in front of a people of a certain stereo type, with the intent on causing verbal harm. We all use these slurs, and although they are not always said in a mean way, they are not appropriate words for everyday vocabulary because of the offense they may cause.

  7. I think stereotypes come from propaganda and hate speech. A stereotype is something that lots of people believe, but where did they get this idea? I probably came from someone who practiced hate speech and spread it to everyone else through propaganda. These words cross the line into prejudice when they are used against someone who will take offense to them in some way. Derogatory terms used to define and stereotype women, ie: white girls, sluts, dumb blondes ect. can hurt any woman whether the stereotype is true or not because there is no reason to judge her and define her as some "kind" of woman based on her appearance or actions or social class.

  8. When words cross the line that lead to stereo types, propaganda, or hate speeches is when they are used to offend someone of there race, gender, religion, etc.

  9. Words cross the line of what is right and what is unacceptable when we use words directed towards people in a mean and hurtful way. For example words such as gay and faggot and poophead get used daily by people and i know for a fact that my amigos and i have used these terms before but they are always in a jokingly matter. Allot of words similar to the those get used allot but they are in a joking matter. It crosses the line when you are directing it to someone with full meaning. For example when you would go up to a homosexual and call them gay it would be different from doing the same thing but to your friend.

  10. Offensive words become hate comments when they cross the line of just joking around with friends or people who the words don't apply to. In todays society, kids often joke around and call each other derogatory names if they've done something considered stupid or incorrect. These degrading names start to cross the line when they are used in the way of referring to someone who is actually what that word means or why it was created. Theres a big difference between calling your friend a "retard" because he's done something foolish, than calling someone a "retard" who actually has a mental disability. Its still wrong and offensive to use these words no matter what but in my opinion its much more cruel and ruthless to refer to someone who these words actually apply to.

  11. I think that words can cause a lot of hurt when they aren’t used in a joking matter. When you are with a friends or a small group of friends and are using words in a joking fashion I think it is ok. No one is getting hurt. but when words are used to hurt someone they can do a lot of damage. It can get to a point where people physically hurt themselves or others. When you are trying to hurt someone using words that is when it crosses the line. In the 21st century words are used to hurt people and a lot of the time it is online. People can post things online that hurt other people and feel nothing because they can’t see the person. That makes it easy to type something in that is mean and hit send. Once it is out there it can never be taken back, even if you hit the delete button. When something has been said it can never truly be taken back and it can do a lot of damage.

  12. It's never okay to use hateful comments when talking about someone else because it can be very offensive even if you are joking. It happens a lot today with sexism. Women are often treated as lesser individuals than men and are expected to do housework, cook, and take care of children. People consider it rare to see a woman in a leadership role, and when there is a woman with a good job she will be treated very differently than a man in the same position. A man would be called a leader, when a woman might be called bossy. The way we talk to each other can be very hurtful, and we need to realize that our words can cause harm.

  13. Many teens in this time use hateful words and they don't mean them to actually be hurtful to them its just another word. In my opinion that is not a good way to think about words like that because if a kid uses those words in a certain situation and thinks its fine then they go and use it in a situation where it could really offend someone. I think its better for people to just not use hurtful words in the first place.

  14. The way kids use harmful names now-a-days has changed from oder generation. They use these harmful names in a joking way towards each other and don't use them in a harmful way. The words don't offend people unless they are used in a very meaningful way. But in our generation these words or mainly used on a lighter level and used when kids are joking around. They are causing less harm.

  15. Words cross the line when you use them to offend, hurt or stereotype people. You can have beliefs about people which is a right people have, but when your beliefs are used to hurt people it is bad. For example, you can have racist beliefs, which is not illegal since it is your right. But it is bad when it is used to in an offensive manner.

  16. Making racist comments is almost never a good idea. Some are OK as a joke when used with your closest friends, however, outside of this setting, you never know who you might hurt by saying something offensive, even as a joke. Any time someone is offended by what you say, you are crossing the line. It takes a little more than this to turn into stereotypes or hate speech though. In order for this to happen, a person needs to habitually offend an individual or group with their words. Today, social media is very responsible for these things. People may post something as a joke, but you never know who might read it and either turn it into a stereotype or be offended by it. We must be very careful what we say on the internet because it will never go away.

  17. I believe that our words cross the line once people see actions being carried out that go against their individual or group beliefs. Once that is noticed, they will start to start to spread rumors and false facts about how different these people are and how they are only making the world "worse". Ignorance also plays a major role in this. It seems to be in human nature to immediately notice the bad things about a person/group first before understanding where they come from and how they improve society. Because we are so blind to new things that come into our life, we like to create rumors about it to promote our views as being superior. An example today is how African-Americans, despite what happened in the civil rights movement in the 50s and 60s, are stereotyped as being from the ghetto or participating in gangs and being extremely poor and dangerous.

  18. Its not okay when you say things to people you don't know at all, its just very offensive. I think this words just are fine to say with your friends because you know them and they don't take it as an offensive as a stranger on the street that's my opinion

  19. Hurtful comments are never ok. They should never get to a point where they cross the line. Hurtful comments could really hurt someone mentally which could lead to them committing suicide. In today society hurtful comments are often used to judge people. It is never ok. Society now a days don't know the difference between hurtful comments and not hurtful comments.

  20. Some words people say are considered offensive, but do not really affect those people much because either those words don’t put them in a really bad light or are not noticed. It becomes dangerous when those words put those people in a bad light and others view those people with that prejudice. For example, when the KKK convinced each other that blacks were no good and shouldn’t be citizens.

  21. These words start crossing the line when they offend a large amount of people. They can still happen if only a small amount of people in the directed "group" are offended. When people that are not in the directed "group" start to believe the stereotypes about people is when it has gone too far. Like if people start to believe that all Jews are successful and greedy or all black people are thugs. When we start believing these things we begin to have prejudice opinions towards other people. It's wrong to have preconceived ideas about someone you do not know.

  22. I think that words to cross the line when they are used as not a joke, or people start to take them seriously. It become really bad when a group starts to gang up on a difference group and those words start to become there stereotype. Thats when it can form the start of something that can loose control.

  23. The slurs the people today say out of free will should not be okay but we have somehow found a way to say them in a non offensive way. Although this may be true, they still shouldn't be said because even though the person you are saying them too may not take offense to it, there might be somebody who heard you say them and they can get hurt buy these.

  24. Words can be very offensive to people when used in derogatory terms. However some derogatory terms are used behind closed doors and that will always happen sometimes but when its heard by the masses and people get offended that is when the line is crossed. If someone told an off color joke at a private party, or in their own home then most people won't make a huge deal out of it. However if a politician or someone of great influence said it publicly like the clippers owners who made horrible comments about African Americans then it crosses that line to hate speech.

  25. When people use words in a non-joking manner, it leads to stereo types and prejudice. In my opinion if used in a joking way certain words are not offensive and prejudice. It crosses the line when people start using them to hurt other peoples feelings and in a prejudice way.

  26. The line is drawn when the insults leave the circle of friends and start to affect others who will take offense to the insult. Friends jokingly exchange insults that strangers will not stand for. Also, some words like "gay" are used jokingly in friends, but a homosexual individual will definitely take offense to it.

  27. Words go beyond what is ok when they start to effect other people in a negative way. This can be stereotypes, or bullying. But this is different from when you express your opinion. These words are not restricted to just verbal words, words over the internet is just as bad. Those words still hurt people, and are possible even worse because they never go away and everyone can see them. There is also a large grey section when it comes to teasing friends. It is ok as long as everyone understands that it is joking and is not serious, the problems begin when these teases leave the circle of friends, become more serious, or when someone takes you seriously. The over all message is to think about how other people will take it, and they may take it differently than the way you intended it.

  28. Joking around with words is never okay. Once you cross the line, it affects many people. In my opinion, people should never say anything offensive to anyone because it creates hatred towards groups. You might be joking around with words with no meaning but on the other end, you can be offending someone.

  29. playing around with words that are not good is never OK. Especially if you don't know the people that your around with. Some people can this words seriously and some of your friends would be cool with it, but most of the time its bad because you don't know when you cross the line of playing around. This affects many people. For example when people say something offensive to others then the other would try to fight or stop talking to them and create drama

  30. All humans say words that seem fine for us to say but for others are offensive. But once you cross the line with saying bad words to someone that's not okay

    1. You can really hurt someone with just words. Some people even kill themselves why?, because they've been hurt from someone that is been telling them bad things.

  31. There is always that group of friends who pass around racial slurs as a joke. But when those words leave the crew and people use them offensively towards somebody, thats when it crosses the line. And as thing progress then people around the world are affective. Because of one word the people are filtered into a group of stereotyping. We see it everyday. If you walk into an airport and see a man with a turban on he is most likely in security getting all of his stuff sifted and checked. Even though he could be one of the nieces people you have ever met. Its all because of his religion and beliefs. This is a massive problem around the world.

  32. Words are a lot more powerful than people think and what you might take as a joke somebody might take serious offense to. All thought it might be cool to joke around with racial slurs because your friends are doing it once some else hears it that is when you cross the line. So in order to never cross the line never say racial slurs in the first place. Then this leads to stereotyping which in turn leads to segregation then violence so in order to avoid this never use racial slurs.

  33. Words can become very hurtful even when you're not trying to be. People can become very agressive with their speach much easeir than we think. Stereotypes, propaganda, and hate speech is a constant and relevant issue in the modern world. People catagorize people under these characteristics and qualities often based on things people around them are saying or doing. The base for stereotypes, propaganda, and hate speech is a level of bandwagon and that everyone's doing it. It's a trend to call people "gay" or "fag" as well as "slut" and so many more. It becomes hate speech when you are directly hurting or affending someone with the words that come out of your mouth.

  34. Words are very powerful and have the power to change the world for the better or worse. Stereotyping and words with negative connotations used against people can lead to violence. The continued use of offensive language creates social trends that will create violence. We often don't realize the power words have to create discrimination against a single group of people.

  35. Every stereotype is offensive in some way, there is no situation where I think it is acceptable to use one. Some may think using a derogatory term or stereotype to make a joke about themselves with a group of friends with not one else around is 'ok'. However, you have no idea if the joke might insult a friend and they just don’t want to speak up. The problem is, this happens all the time. Our generation and most of the ones following after have incorporated it into their speech and it’s a habit. Habits die hard, and we may think they don’t hurt if we use them as daily language, but they’re still are hurtful.

  36. Humans like to disagree and sadly this means there well aways be discrimination

  37. i think that words cross the line when they are used in a derogatory or demeaning manner. When some one speaks to another in a way that makes that person feel bad, insecure, of regretful in any way. In most cases those words lead to violence bases on the cruel nature of what was said.

  38. Where exactly words cross the line is a gray area. Words have muddled definitions, people use them in many different ways. When someone can take offense, that is crossing the line. But when kids are tossing around these words in their close group of friends, not meaning offense, is that crossing the line? Using derogatory words can lead to stereotyping and propaganda, but often times kids aren't trying to use them for that purpose. Growing up in a society in which derogatory terms are used daily, it is hard to determine where exactly their use crosses the line. For me, it's when someone could take offense.

  39. Word are very powerful especially to those who take offense to them. A lot of people these days are using racist or offensive words about something they hate. If someone was to tell a offensive joke around others it could be hurtful to others because you may not know what they have been through. Stereotyping is just plain rude because you can't just assume who someone is based on their race or religion, and therefore shouldn't be used.

  40. Words can cause major conflicts but they can also resolve them. When certain words are used in inappropriate situations they can seriously hurt others and create feuds. Even if you are joking with your friends, some might think what you say is funny but one might take offense.

  41. A very common phrase is that "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." In the case of most people, words do in fact hurt them and cause them to act with aggression or inherent anger.

  42. Words cross the line when they start to negatively affect the lifestyle of a person or group of people. The occasional joking insult does not qualify as hate speech, but when the entire society starts to perpetuate a stereotype and people get denied opportunities because of their race is when words become a problem. Stereotypes will probably always exist, but they are benevolent as long as other people can see through them and not allow them to factor into their judgement of a person. When Cliven Bundy says that the only thing black people are good for is picking cotton and otherwise they would be siting around on welfare, he is creating a false stereotype.

  43. I think the line is drawn when ones words or jokes become mean and hurtful. I think that you always need to be aware of what you say because something that you say even if it was not meant to be mean could be taken the wrong way and feelings might be hurt.
