1st/5th Period Night

1st/5th Period Night Elie Wiesel

Write your first post: In a well-written paragraph, write your thoughts on what you read about Night. This can be similar to a journal entry, but I really want you to go into detail about what you thought while reading the text. Use your Reader’s Notebook to help with writing ideas. You could comment on style, tone, subject matter, important quotes, how it relates to life today, you could even ask questions 
that other students could answer in their comments. Be sure to check your spelling and grammar because I will be reading over all your writing.

Write comments on at least 3 other classmate’s posts. Comments should be 5-7 sentences long and relate to the post’s topic. You could talk about whether you agree or disagree with a person, tell them what you really like about their post, further a point the person made, answer any questions inside the post, etc. The goal is to have a discussion all online.


  1. 1. Write your name.
    2. Title your post (question, about style, whatever)

  2. Peter
    thoughts from the brain.
    I thought that the tone of the reading so far is very dark and some what depressing. The reading is made interesting thought the small glimmers of hope that the characters find that to us would seem like a was of time and thought. For example when the father was prepared to die, he gave his son his inheritance of a spoon and a knife. Moments like those enforce the idea that these people really had nothing to lose besides themselves. It must have been so hard to continue on each day knowing that it is very possible that it might be your last. I really don't see how these people could have any kind of hope, with no way out. And we see in the story that the kid seemed to loose all hope when he thought he was loosing his father. The injustice and brutality of their situation completely justifies those feelings.

    1. Great post Peter. I agree with you in how it is difficult to live without hope. The mental toughness of the people in the camps is also very high. Like you said, they can live without hope or security of their own survival.

    2. Nice brain thoughts.

    3. This speaks from the heart. Your take on how you don't know how they still have hope when there is no way out really got me. i had to struggle to retain my tears. I totally agree with you when you say that the people in concentration don't have anything to lose except themselves.

    4. Yes peter your brain thoughts are indeed good. Living without hope would be quite unpleasant.

    5. nice thoughts that would be really hard not to give up

    6. Peter you be so deep you be in china

    7. yeah dude i agree with you about the tone it was pretty dark and also pretty depressing. The people would get ready to get killed i don't know how they have hope, and i agree how you said that people who be afraid of continuing each day with knowing that they might get killed soon

    8. Peter, I so agree with what you just said. It's pretty sad if you ask me. Just imagine how bad it it living like that. Imagine to lose your dad in a way that's not fair huh? Also to have to trade the little things you have and for his dad to give him all he had it's pretty sad.

  3. Linsey
    The book night is very upsetting. The pople in the cosentation camp have very little hope for there future and any second could be their last. They have little to no belongings such as shoes and are given barley enough food to survive. The doctor mengele was an extreamly mental guy, I find it very disturbing that he expiramented on people who were alive by cutting them open and seeing how long they survived. Over all I was very upset by all the social injustice that was I forced in the concentration camp.

    1. peter
      I can relate to your feelings of injustice about the book. I also found the doctor to be a sick twisted guy who had no intention of acting in a lawful/reasonable way. The entire idea of the concentrating camps is also very disheartening to me as well. To take these peoples homes, belongings, and loved ones is basically killing them already. After taking all these people to that state of mind. All that is left for them is to wait in discomfort and starvation for their eventual end

    2. The brutality of the concentration camps were very bad. I agree with your thoughts on the doctor. The doctor's experiments did not seem bad to him because he thought the prisoners in the camps were not worth keeping alive. This is very wretched.

    3. The experiments would be the scariest part!! Just the thought of someone doing that to me makes me sick to my stomach, and he did it to tons of people. Also the fact that it could happen at anytime to anyone would be taunting me.

  4. Kodi Crank

    The Night is a story of a boy's everyday struggle in the holocaust. Deprived of his family and by himself he experiences dark and horrifying experiences. When he is take to be tested of weather they will keep him for work or take him to the death chamber, he passes yet still feels he is being tricked. this shows how unpredictable and scary things must have been. There were many different ways of torture that were used o the jews, gypsies, homosexuals, or anyone who opposed Hitler.

    1. I agree. Not truly knowing if you will live through the day would be horrifying. Having to prove your worth over hundreds of others who are trying just as hard to stay alive would have been a true challenge. Survival of the fittest definitely had a large role in the Holocaust. It's some messed up stuff.

  5. Luis Flores
    it was pretty crazy because the only good thing they had was their clothes and people also would steal clothes from other people because some of them didn't have anything. Also the Germans were killing the Jews because they didn't like them, and when the dad and his son got to see each other the kid had to stay in the camp and his dad give him a spoon and a knife
    i wonder if things like this are still happening in the world? and can we do something about it? why were the Germans killing the Jews?

    1. I thought it was pretty crazy as well that some the of the "campers" were forced to steal form the only people they had left in life. That shows that people who had nothing (which there were a lot of) had to resort to stealing from their own kind. To answer your questions i definitely think that these kinds of things still happen all over the world. Unfortunately theses things tend to happen in less developed countries so people who have the power to help don't really get involved in those less superior countries. But there is most certainly something we can do to help stop this injustice

  6. When I read this story, or any other story about the Holocaust, I sometimes forget that everything described actually happened. Some of the things seem so unbelievable that it is hard to imagine that people actually went through this. Sometimes I wonder why the Jews didn't try to put up more of a fight when being taken to the camps, but nothing like this had ever happened before, so the Jews still had faith in humanity and never could have imagined that other people could do something so evil. The book is really depressing but it is interesting and exciting to read because we never know what will happen to the characters.

    1. Yeah it was pretty brutal.

    2. Cameron Daley-
      The same thing happened with me when I read this story. It seems very surreal that all of this truly happened. Even if I was one of the Kapos I could not deal with the amount of death that was spreading around that camps. It would be sickening to watch innocent people dying slowly from starvation, gas chambers, or worse watching them burn alive. The holocaust was a dark series of events that happened in human history that does not need to be repeated.

    3. the Jews would not try to fight the Germans because they would just get killed like usually but in this book they kind of give us some hint about what would happen i had been transfered into another unit, the building one, where twelve hours a day, i had to drag heavy block of stone about." like this one

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Poor them not having enough clothes or food imagine when it got colder how they would have to go through that not be a ke to do anything about it.

  7. While reading the beginning of night, I was awestruck by how poorly everyone was treated in the camps. It was also strange how some Jews would work for the Nazis and order the other Jews telling them what to do and how to act. The Kapo that tells the son to run when they are doing the inspection seemed less mean than the rest of the Kapos because he was helping them pass the inspection. I am also curious as to how the boys father passed the second inspection because he is described as old and possibly no longer useful.

    1. I also thought it was weird how some of the jews would work for the Nazis. Maybe they were doing that to join the team that clearly wining and to hopefully save their own lives. Perhaps some of them were in power to help out the rest of the Jewish people and save them a few more years of life as we saw the kapo people tell the child. Maybe it was some of the Jewish kapo people who decided to pass the kids father on the second inspection to help him live a longer life with his son

    2. I think the father wont last much longer.

    3. Wow that's screwed that they are forced to obey the nazis and work for them making them turn on other Jews for the sake of their own lives

  8. Dylan Cantor
    The tone
    The tone of Night is both persevering and fearful. It is fearful because they have to cope with disease, starvation, and the gas chambers or furnace. The inspection of the prisoners health and usefulness is the only thing of importance to the Nazis and it leads to a selection of life or death. Time also works against the prisoners as they need to cope with the terrible conditions of the camp. The tone is also persevering as the prisoners try to fight through the terrors of the camp and try to support each other during hard times. This happened when the "death" of the Father hit the kid very hard and his fellow prisoners helped him through it.

    1. I also agree the tone is prevising.When the kid thought his father was going to die it gave me hope when the other prisoners helped him threw it and showed that they still care. I can't begin to image how everyday life felt like knowing that you could die at any moment. It sickened me how the Nazi's treated them like pigs. Overall this is very well written and reflects how I feel.

    2. This speaks to me, i agree with you that it was fearful for them. I agree because they had to compete with everyone in the camp even if they were related to each other. No one wanted to die. the selection of life and death you mentioned was totally unfair, The big lived and the weak died.

    3. Yes I would have to agree with being afraid. It would truly be tariffing to watch thousand of people a week dying and knowing that some day that could be you. But thats not all that you have to worry about. You have to watch your stuff to make sure that it does not get stolen. I would hate to be in the holocaust because you would be tariffed everyday for many years.

  9. Will Borup

    Overall feeling/review

    Night is a very emotional and deep book that brings feelings of sadness, hatred, and disgust forward. This story shines light on the horrible conditions and what the prisoners were thinking and feeling in concentration camps. It is even more personal for young adults or high school students because the main character is 15. The writing style helps add to the overall body of the tone by using short sentences. The tone is very sad and suspenseful with pockets of happiness which gives you more of a personal experience with the main character who is also the author. This book is an eye opener and made me feel disgusted with how somebody could treat people of the same religion like animals. How could you force someone to work like an animal while giving them meager rations then killing them baffles me. The injustices seen in the book made me sick. This book is a warning of what can happen from war and how it can change the world.

    1. Meghan Mazzocchi

      I've been asking myself the same thing, how can these people be fine with killing and hurting innocent people. Its also interesting to think that this boy who went through the Holocaust and survived was our age and that makes you think how teens today almost have it easy with not dealing with such a big event in history. Also the tone of this book makes the reader feel angry and sad.

    2. I would agree. Even If I was one of the Kapos I could not deal with watching thousands of innocent people die for know reason. Also making the people work like farm animals and then killing them because the look week. I have huge respect for this 15 year old boy for staying strong and not letting his emotions take over his common sense. And I would have to agree with Meghan that we have it easy compared to the children who surveyed the holocaust.

  10. Cameron Daley-
    (Overall response about the reading)
    The Holocaust was a horrible series of events that does not need to repeated. But this reading puts you smack dab in the middle of it. In the book "a terrible word was circulating" around in the beginning of the story, and it was selection. Selection would be terrifying because you have little to no control of the outcome. Also the people in the holocaust were stripped of everything that they had. The laws changed for them, and most of there personal belonging were taken away or destroyed. In the reading when the father finds out that he has been chosen he runs up to his son and says "take this knife... and this spoon...don't sell them." This was the inheritance of the families belonging. That one knife is all the family had. In the end I think that the hardest part of being in the holocaust would be knowing that any moment could be your last.

    1. I also think it's terrible and terrifying that the prisoners had to live everyday in fear that it was their last.

    2. I agree with you that the was the book is written is very discriptive way and puts you smak dab in the middle of it so that you can imagine the fear that the prisoners felt.

  11. Jessie
    how the wrighting style gives the reader hope.
    The story is told by the boy and in a tense that he is telling it in the past. It gives us a little bit of hope that he will survive because he is telling the story in the past tense. "I WAS no longer in the same block as my father. I HAD been transfered into another unit, the building one, where twelve hours a day, i HAD to drag heavy block of stone about." The auther sounds like he is possibly an old man now, telling us the story of when he was put into a concentration camp and his experiences when he was there. The story he is telling is depressing and dark and scarry but I think that the way and the tense is written gives the reader hope to think that the boy survived.

    1. It does sound like possibly an elderly person is telling the story!

    2. I agree, it does sound like he is telling it from a perspective of someone who was able to survive the camps. That would have been the most scaring event in all of history if you had to live through that. Not knowing how long you have left to live, scrounging for clothes and shoes, starving. It would have been a most heinous way to live.

  12. Neftali
    thoughts from the heart
    How sus was the holocaust? By this i mean that the holocaust was really intense and a harsh situation that people had to live by in concentration camps. Men and boys of all ages not only had to compete with the Nazis, but with each other also. The winners got to live with small rations of food and poor living environments where everyone had to use physical labor to prove themselves worthy of living, the losers on the other hand got thrown into the fire of hell along with all of their hopes, dreams, and memories. But the thing is, not only was this just in concentration camps, but everywhere across the European nations during WW2. Families with mothers, fathers, children, and hopes. Hopes of making it through this insane and unfair situation alive, hopes of being reunited with their lost ones that got stolen away from them in the dead of the night, hopes of living. All of these hopes just crushed and stolen from them by the one and only notorious Adolf Hitler. The one and only man who singly brought down Germany and most of Europe, the man who killed approximately 11 million innocent and good people. The man who stole our hopes.

    1. I like your thoughts and facts and how sad you were Able to make it sound with the devastating effects that the holocaust had on many people

    2. I total agree with you. I can't imagine what it must of felt like to compete for your life which is not to great to begin with. The lives destroyed by Hitler is just tragic your only hope is if Germany loses the war. The hopes and dreams of a bunch of one generation never saw the light of day. There mental well being must of been below anything. Good writing.

    3. I really like the way that you talk about how they made the people in the camp battle for their lives and how even after they come out on top they still get only a little bit of food. Nice response.

  13. Meghan Mazzocchi
    Overall response to the reading

    The Holocaust. When those words are muttered the first thing that come to mind are all the horrible things that happened to innocent people just because one man didn’t like the way that a certain groups of people lived and survived. When we first started reading we automatically get thrown into the way that Elie has been living in the camp and we see that the camps where very dark and sad place. The tone of this reading was very dark and almost eerie, it made me as the reader almost get creeped out because of how these inmates would just accept that they were going to die with no real reason. What else is interesting is that Dr. Mengele never once thought that he was doing something wrong. He would go and experiment on children, he would also be the one to decide a person’s death. How can he do all of these horrible things and not lose it with all the guilt? Also the inmates somehow managed to have the smallest sliver of hope thats unbelievable because they were put through some of the worst things that anyone can think of. The Holocaust is one of the many events that can scare anyone by just saying it.

    1. i like how you talked about the conditions in the camp and how they keep there hope

  14. It says Tor rio peter but it's just TOR
    Why was the holocaust so devastating?

    Germany was in the era of a deep depression, people were poor, unemployed, hungry, mad, and desperate. Then hitler came along and became chancellor in 1933. He promised people jobs, wealth, and a healthier community. Though doing this his goal would have to be expanding his empire across Europe and exterminating Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and non white races. The holocaust was happening during world war 2. In which world war 2 started right after Germany invaded Poland. On of the main occupants of the holocaust were the concentration camps where millions of people were held to work, suffer and die, either from working too hard, creamatorie's, gas chambers and not enough food. People were working in little but no clothes. They would trade the small amounts of food they had for a piece of rubber needed for the soul of their shoe. So in conclusion the holocaust was indeed very devastating.

    1. It is really devastating how food was so scarce, that they had to trade things like pieces of rubber just to get a loaf of bread.

  15. Karl k
    The tone in night is helpless and pleading
    The children who lost there future had no hope of seeing there families again. In a lot of cases they were in seprete camps away from there parents also they were given very little food if any and forced to work if they were considered unfit to work then they were killed. the condisions were terrible in the camps they had nothing not even a name just a number that if called during selection means you well die. there was alaways a chance you well not have enogh food, clothes, strenth to continue working. they children only wanted to make sure this wouldent happen again.

    1. That's what I thought the tone was as well. I thought it was pleading. I like the way you talk about how the children don't really have a future. The selections was a big part and you could really here the tone in it just like you said.

    2. I agree with you that the tone is helpless and pleading. but i also think that there is a little bit of hope because all the prisoners fight for their lives and pray that they dont get killed. Like when the 10 or so prisoners get called to stay back and get killed they plead to the people and say they promise to work really hard.

    3. Can you imagine how they felt not knowing if they were going to live? You were stripped of everything even your name that must of been degrading. How did they except them to work as hard as possible while starving them at the same time just baffles me. This warning is so strong its very deep. Very good writing

    4. I can't even imagine living like this, with no way to differentiate between you and everyone else, and not being able to use your own name would be so hard. It would be like losing your sence of self and individuality.

  16. i dident think about how they should have more food after selections not less

  17. That is a perfect summary of "Night" and the Holocaust in general. The way you talk about Hitler as a sociopath and how people jumped on board with him in his dark plans is so true. It really is amazing how many people were killed, it is so said. The holocaust and Hitler was/are awful still to this day, just like you said.

  18. Micah Hesse

    This book has a very sad tone because its about the holocaust so it will obviously be pretty sad. It is very sad because this whole time the main character is worried about himself dieing but hes still worried about his dad too. It would be really hard to live a life in fear.

  19. I agree with you I am completely in shock about the whole thing and how could this terrible thing could happen. It makes the book even more scarry to think about the kind of people that put them in the concentration camps and made them suffer and die and didnt care that they were murduring and torturing them.

  20. Wow........ speechless.... I understand how you say it was a fearful event having to live everyday not knowing if your death would arrive that day. If we were all in the position that the kid from night was in then we would all be on edge and terrified about our families wondering day to day if they were alright. When you mentioned that it was a tragic event it helped me realize that this is a real thing that happened in history. thank you for opening my heart and eyes and helping me realize that this was insane. #Realization #inspirational #tbt

  21. Colleen
    My overall thoughts an feelings about this are, I'm in utter shock that this is a real survivor of this horrific injustice. The fact that someone could go through all the gruesome things that happened to them and live to tell it is amazing. The writing mood and tone of this is pretty dark, there is small glimpses of hope where you can see the true strength of the human spirit that help bring up the mood. The fact that people survived this without being fed a proper diet or having any sort of comfort, is almost as unbelievable as the fact that they all suffered this based on religion and the way they looked.

    1. I competely agree with you! It is just horrific that they could put people through this. They have the hearts to kill the weakest out of the group, but also knowing that they didn't have a proper meal to have the strength they expected to have. Whats even crazier is that this did happen, people suffered a long time going through this. I can't believe that people acutally survived this, they did live and did get the strength to pull through. Like the boy knowing he was weak he still ran like he couldn't run anymore.

    2. I thought the same thing, how it was unfair that the Nazis were making them use all their strength to see who lives, but they were being poorly fed. They also did not have proper clothing and would sleep in almost nothing in below freezing temperatures.

  22. I completely agree this is truly amazing that they survived all of this. I can't even imagine this sort of thing happening. It makes it scary to think that since it happened once it could happen again, and you know what they say about history it repeats itself.

  23. My thoughts about the book.

    I thought that this book is really sad so far. This book talks about when people were suffering in the holocust. Imagine living like them? Imagine not having food, clothes, shoes, or food, that must Be a hard way to live in. So far from what we've read this part grabed my attention. When the people had to take the test to see if they were going to die or keep working. When elite knew he had passed the test he was so happy, so he asked his dad if he had passed as well. The dad lied when he knew he hadn't and was prepared to die. The father gived his soon a spoon and a knife and told him to never trade them because he needed them as much as the father did. I don't know how some people can just decide on the life of others. I'm so glad I was born in this generation because now that I know how some people had to live I'm glad we don't have to go through that.

    1. I said food twice. Ignore one of them

    2. That was deep mayra!! I also am glad I grew up in this generation.

  24. General thoughts about the Night.
    This story is horrifying and extremely sad. Coming from one of the prisoners makes it even sadder. It's just gruesome how the containment camps worked. This story has an intense tone. I really feel sad when Elie's dad was chosen for the blade. The holocaust is very very dark and unjust. The story was interesting but very terrifying. It's just amazing how Elie survived through all of this and had the courage to write a story about it. All of this started because Germany used these people as a scapegoat. Also because of the beliefs that one has.

  25. Cindy
    My feelings towards this story is complete and utter shock. I can’t believe this had actually happen. The story made me feel like I was in there with them, I could feel the darkness of the story. It surprised me that, they would decide if they lived or die depending on their strength. I disagree on that decision they made because they could be useful for many other things. That was very wrong because they shouldn’t decide their death upon their strength. The story made me feel bad for those people because they had to go through this, they had to suffer through all this some even had to go through it alone. It sad that they expected them to be really strong for their work but they didn’t give them the correct meal or diet for them to have that strength. It made me feel dark and empty as I read the story.

    1. Dude omg I know huh it's so sad!! Like how can people be so cold and decide for someone else's life. Ughhh.. Let's go kick some butts. Pobresitos

    2. I agree with you and also think that it's not fair for them to depend on their strength for them to live, because they weren't being fed well or in good conditions. Throughout the story i was getting surprised by their conditions and how now it was paradise compared to what it was before, am i cannot even fathom what it must of been like.

    3. I really like your thoughts and feelings. The Holocaust was very terrifying. I also thought it was sad on how the Germans selected the Jews for death or for work. they treated them like slaves. I hope they got payback for what they did.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Matt
    I am surprised that someone went through all of the hardships of living in a concentration camp. It’s terrible for anyone to live in those conditions and i can't believe that people would cram others in a camp that is full of disease and brutality. I can’t believe that the nazis did this because of someone's religion or way of life, and it’s sickening to even think about. I also can’t believe that people were starving and freezing with little to no food or clothing in sometimes below freezing weather. One thing that would make me terrified is having a family member in the camp.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I feel you man. Just like I've been sating, This was a terrible era for anyone to live in. Good thing we were born after this tragedy.

  28. I think this entire era in human life is completely shocking and depressing. How anyone person could do this much less an entire country is a horrible thing to do. The tone is so depressing based around the fact that they are all living on borrowed time they were not expected to make it as long as they did. Not only does he have to worry about his own survival but he now has his fathers survival to be concerned for. The selections were the scariest part to read about how they ran past them as fast as they could so they wouldn't write their number down for the gas chamber is sickening. How any one person survived the whole war is unbelievable under the circumstances they were forced to live in.

    1. that is the question that the human race will continue to ask itself for years to come. hopefully these events will finally make a dent in the "that will never happen to me" shell that we have created. It is very interesting to see hinm change from the small boy to someone who has survived where others perished. I cannot imagin what the selections would be like to go through. One moment that determins the rest of your life, it would be terrifying.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I completely agree, it is hard to imagine something like this being real due to the intensity and hardships of these peoples life's. Having a family member in the camp would be the worst, knowing that sooner or later you're both going to die.

  31. I feel like it is not fair to be executed just because your not fit. These people work for many hours a day and the SS think they can just chose people they feel like should be killed. All people should have the right to life and dignity.They shouldn't be killed based on their believes.

  32. the story is really sad its not fair to be killed because your not fit and its scary how they just choose random people to execute its scary to know that you might be the next one to be killed.

  33. This is really understandable because they went through a very hard time in history and the people in the camp had to go through a lot.

  34. Chandra
    Reaction to the book "Night"

    This book was really shocking to me, and all the horrible things that happened were things that in the modern era are hard to imagine happening. But these things did happen, and will happen in the future if we are not careful. These were people's neibors, friends, or even family and they were just cast out like garbage. This was also was very personal as half my family (its a tad complicated) is German. Everything from selections to the living and working conditions that they lived through. The endless running and the fridged cold.

  35. I think that words do have an impact on people’s feeling no matter what. Derogatory words are thrown around everywhere we go. Those words could be offensive to some people even if it was an accident. Some people also can be offended if people use stereotypes. Because stereotypes aren’t necessarily true toward people but people assume that they are. Words can be very hurtful towards people because they could have a past incident that when used certain words can make those past experiences reminded of and those could be very bad memories. So Words should never be taken lightly.
