Sunday, May 18, 2014

Oskar Schindler...discuss how he evolved from a bystander to collaborator, to resister and finally a rescuer during the holocaust. What makes some people risk everything to save others?


  1. Oskar Schindler started out as an ordinary man, but slowly, he saw what the government didn't want him to see, what was actually happening. He saw through the propaganda and what he saw shocked him. Slowly, he started to save people by bringing them into his factory and giving them the safety of work, but not normal work for jews in that time. Real, safe work, he poured everything that he had into these people. When the "Final Soultion" came around, Oskar Schindler really started to bloom and go into action. He took in as many people as he could save and started to make papers to get them all out of Germany. They became his family, and he truly cared about them and by the end, they had grown to care about him back.

    Some people choose to risk everything because they are people who know what is right and are not swayed by their own wishes. They see through the hardship and realize what has to be done. They realize that they want to make a difference with their life, and choose to put others needs above their own. It takes a very special person to give up everything that they care about for someone else.

  2. Schindler was a hero to the Jews. He saved many of them from the blade and did anything he could to help them. He opened a factory and allowed Jews to work for him. They considered his factory a safe haven because once they worked there, they had full protection from Nazi Germany. He is an inspiration to any generation because of how many people he saved. Some people help humanity without knowing it and later on realize they did something amazing. Some people put humanity as their first priority and that's what Schindler did.

  3. Matt Palamar

    Oskar was overall a good man. Yes, he did force thousands of jews to work in his factory, but back then that wasn't a bad thing among the german people and nazi party. In their mind, it was completely fine and they were correct. As Schindler watched certain events of the holocaust take place, he slowly but surely started to realize that this was not the right thing to be doing to these innocent people. The situation he was in must of been extremely hard considering that he was one of the only individuals in the group that had different beliefs / opinions that all of his nazi colleagues. After a while, Oskar couldn't hold in his feelings any longer. Eventually he decided to create a list of 1100 jews that he would pay for, save, and transport away from his labours factory. Even Though these jews made Schindler a very wealthy man working in his factory, he spent all the money he earned to save the ones who made it for him. Because Oskar Schindler stepped up for what he believed in, and went against the nazi party for the sake of humanity, it shows that Mr. Schindler was indeed a decent human being.

  4. Schindler started off not caring about the Jews at all, but knew that he needed them for work. At first his accountant started to bring in Jews and some of them had disabilities. People talked to Schindler and told him that his work place was a safe haven in which Jews could survive and wanted to work for him. He let in a lot of Jewish people and paid so much money for this. When Jewish people started to get gassed and were being put to death, he knew he had to save them. He ended saving a few thousand Jews and many generations. He stood up for what he believed was wrong and even knew the consequences of his actions, Schindler is a real hero.

  5. At first, Schindler was taking advantage of the Jews because they were the cheapest labor he could get, and was just looking to make money. However, as more and more Jews wanted to work for him because he offered protection, he started to see their value not only as workers, but as people. This evolved into him paying millions of dollars to save a thousand people from the gas chambers. He transported them back to his factory and kept them safe from the Nazis. Eventually, towards the end of the war, he went bankrupt but still kept helping people. Because of this, Oskar Schindler is a hero to many people and definitely is worthy of recognition not as a Nazi, but as a savior.

  6. In the beginning i think Oscar Schindler was truelly just in it for the money and why the jews liked to work in his company was because he just had common morals and treated them like normal low class workers. When Schindler went to the camp to get his workers back that sparked in him the idea that what the nazis were doing was wrong. He became a resister when he started to help them and let the people into his wharehouse for sanctuary this shows on his birthday when he blatently kisses the jew who thanks him. He really became a rescuer when he made the discision to risk everything to save thousands of people when in the end all he cared about was that he couldnt have saved.

  7. Schindler was taking advantage of the Jews because it was the easiest and least expensive. He also just wanted to make money and it didn't matter in which way. After a while of getting Jews to work for them, he started to realize that not only were they good for work but Schindler started to see them as a person, a human, like they were as equal as him. People started coming up to him asking to save them, to save their family members. At first he was very hesitant on it and didn't really care for them he just wanted them to work. Once he saw how good of workers they were, he started paying millions of dollars to save more of them, for them to live. He didn't allow any killing of sort in his camp. He brought many of the to his camp to protect them from the Nazis, even though he was one. After the war started coming to an end he had no money left. This didn't cause him to stop helping people, without money he still could get people to his camp. He is a big hero because of what he did for the Nazis. He didn't give up on helping them and did everything he could to save their lives. He made history, he changed multiple peoples lives and he didn't give up on helping.

  8. Oskar Schindler was just like any other business man during WW2, living the life, trying to make money, and not really caring what happened to the Jews. This classifys him as a bystander. Oskar is a bystander because he would only care about how he could make money and make it fast. Then as the movie proceeds he starts transforming into a man who actually starts to care; not just about his company, but about his employes and his friends who happen to be Jewish. Then he starts collaborating with people on how they could help to stop this madness. Then he starts recruiting people for his work place that he knows so that way he can keep an eye over them and assure himself that they will be okay. The people that he recruit is are written down on a list also known as "Schindler's list." This is his stage were he becomes a resister/ rescuer because he does not abuse his workers and he will resist against what the "government" wants him to do. Towards the end he spends all his money bring all of the Jews to his factory. in which he said "I have more money than a man could spend in a lifetime." He gave everything he could just to save these people. What would cause a man to do this? It's simple, common morality and having a good heart. I think that anyone that has a heart in the right place and likes to help their brothers when they are failing, will and can help out. Even if it means risking everything you have.

  9. As the Jews were being discmiatied against he say a way to make tons of money. As they begin working for him he started to see what they were doing against the Jews was wrong. Then as they were being moved into the getho he started to see what was going to happen and began a plan to try and get some out to work for him. Then when they were put into camps he began to get some out and make his own camp. When they were begin shipped off the death camps he used most of his money to buy a bunch of them and then gave them there freedom. The courage need to stand up and do this is immeasurable. He did this because of his big heart and his sense to do good. Any body with a good heart can stand up and help anybody in need.

  10. Sarah Newell
    In the beginning of the war Schindler was using the Jews to make money and he didn't care about them as human beings because he was only focused on using their cheap labor to make money. He wanted to war to continue because he knew that once it was over he would lose his top consumers and would also lose his workers. But during the war he began to respect the Jews and saw them as people, not just cheap laborers. Schindler ended up paying to save the lives of over one thousand Jews and he died a hero. He risked everything because he realized that one life does not have more value than another, and he knew that everyone deserved the same respect.

  11. Schindler started off as a bystander in the beginning because he could really care less about the Holocaust. Then he saw an opportunity to make money off the free labor provided by the Jews. He was still just a collaborator then, he worked with the Jews but he did not care for them nor did he respect them as people. He starts to grow close to his accountant, who is a Jew. This is when he starts to change sides and begins to see how unjust the Nazis are being to the Jews. He saves his accountant from being liquidated from the ghetto and goes to great lengths to do so. Then Oskar begins to save more and more Jews and gets a heart. He first denies a woman's elderly parents work because they are not skilled workers but he soon changes his mind after the girl leaves. He gathers many workers and makes a lot of money. He really becomes a rescuer when he spends all of his money on saving his Jews from Auschwitz. I think what makes someone a hero is bravery. Many would not have risked everything to save the Jews, we even saw a scene where Schindler was begging another factory manager to save his Jews, but the man did not. He was too scared. Also, he was exposed to the harsh treatment of the Jews, where others were oblivious. I think this had something to do with his heroism because he saw first hand the violence and unfairness the Jews experienced. He could see what was happening and knew he had to do something about it.

  12. In the begining Shindler was a perfect bystander, not hurting or helping anyone. When he saw that there was a business opportunity, was when he decided to start collaborating. He was that the jews would give very cheep to free labor. In the start his business was strictly business. The reason he kept pulling jews was because he wanted more workers and he thought everyone was valuable. Eventually he realized that his work camp was saving people from going to the extermination camp. Something triggered in his head that there were more important things in his life then the money coming in. He realized that he had the power to save so many people and he put that power into action. The reason some people risk everything to save others is because they realize that they don't care about everything that they have as much as they thought that they did. They realize that taking the risk is more important to them.

  13. At first Oscar Schindler was simply a bystander during the Holocaust and decided to take the opportunity of war to make money. He used the slave labor of Jews to cheaply produce items needed in war, such as pots and pans. However, as time continued, Schindler began to realize how badly the Jews were being treated and began to help them. He treated them better at his workshop than any other Jews and gave them plenty of food and as comfortable as a living space could be for them without raising suspicion. Going out of his way to save them, Oscar spent all of his money to ensure the Jews' safety. The compassion Schindler had allowed him to stand out from the rest of the population and make a change for the betterment of society. Because of his hard work to save so many people, countless generations of Jews now live in Europe.

  14. At first Oscar Schindler was a bystander. He was a business man who was making a lot of money. When he lost all his workers he stopped and thought about things. He had two options: hire other more expensive workers, or get his old ones back. He chose to get his old ones back. At first I think it was just about not wanting spend more money but then after he started seeing what was happening to these people something changed. He wanted to help. He wanted to save as many lives as he possibly could. Even after they are taken to camps he spends his money to buy them back. He won't give up; not even when half his work force is sent to Auschwitz. He became a savior for these people. He went broke trying to save as many as he could. I believe he did this because he saw things that nobody should see and he had compassion for these people. He is a hero and always should be see and thought of as one.

  15. In the beginning, Oskar Schindler was only looking out for himself. His primary concern was to make money by utilizing the helpless Jews for slave labor. Once he began to realize what was actually happening to them be felt bad and guilty and a change of heart started to grow on him. He was no longer trying to make money, but give the Jews livable conditions without raising suspicion.

  16. In the beginning his main focus was money. Although he was not a cruel man, he wasn't going out of his way to protect the people. I think he began to connect more with the people while they were working for him. He put himself in the shoes of the victims and imagined if he was them how clearly terrible of a life it was and he would want someone to do or be what he later became. People will risk everything to save others because they want to know that they are saving and helping less fortunate people. He wanted to help and do something because he knew that this was so wrong and that anything would help. Making a difference and rising up during that time was not a common thing but when you put the well being of others infront of other priorities, people, like Schindler, can make an everlasting impact.

  17. I believe that Oskar Schindler opened his factories as a businessman, trying to make a living. I think that eventually Schindler was able to see through the Nazi's propaganda and realize that the jews were not just being held captive in the concentration camps, but were being tortured and killed. I think at first he was subconsciously creating a safe haven for jews, only because he had morals and didn't believe in cruel punishments.

  18. Schindler started out the same as any other businessman, just trying to make a living and making a lot of profit. The Jews were a cheap workforce and there were many of them. Originally he hired them solely for the money it was helping him save. When others wanted to take the Jews out of his factory he defended each of them somehow, either by pointing out how well they worked or paying money to make up for it. He didn’t want to lose his workers because it meant finding new ones. Eventually however, he stared to connect with them and care about them as actual people. After that he began to save them because he saw them as people instead of cheap workers or disposable like the nazis did. When you really find a way to connect and relate, or at least care about people, you will do so many things to protect them which is what Schindler did.

  19. Oskar Schindler was originally involved in the war to make money for his own interests. He would hire Jews to work in his labor force, and really didn't feel sympathy for the way they had been treated. But then he realized the horrors the Jewish people were going through. He then proceeded to try to bring as many Jews as possible into his factory, not just to provide work but shelter. He even spent most of his money trying to buy Jews to rescue them from their fate. I think what made Schindler risk everything to save these people was his independence and his ability to see beyond the lie. While a majority of the German population believed the Jews were evil people that deserved to die, Schindler viewed them as innocent people that needed to be rescued because he had enough will power to not be manipulated by the Nazi party.

  20. At first Schindler was a bystander and member of the Nazi party. When he could gain easy profit by using Jews in his factory for the war effort he was quick to do so. As Schindler started to sympathize for and grow close to his Jewish workers he began to try to help them and eventually went to great measures to save them by bribing Nazi officials until he had no money left. This all shows that heroes and good can be made out of a bystander or someone who is indifferent. People risk everything to save others because they feel they have a responsibility to help and have a love or brotherhood with those people they want to protect.

  21. At first he was a bystander, and he was just interested in money and power. He didn't realize his workplace was a haven, but it was. He treated people how he thought he should treat people, and that was a lot better than these people were treated in the ghettos and camps. He was never mean to people, but that didn't mean he was always helpful. I believe he started to change when he saw the murders first-hand. Nobody wants to see that. It showed him the atrocities that were occurring. Its one thing hearing about it, but when he saw it, he saw the injustice of it. I believe what bugged him most was all the children dying, all of these innocent people being killed. He started to help people, and as time progressed, he got more into saving people. He saw the good he was doing and wanted to do more. He saved these people because he could, and if he didn't try he would feel guilt. He was that kind of person, and it got to the point where it was really dangerous for him, but he saw the gratitude on the victims faces, and he saw that saving a thousand lives was more important than his wealth or his own life.

  22. Oskar Schindler was simply just a bystander who only thought about money and power. What really made him become a helping man was when he noticed that he could be the one to save thousands of people. During his time he really showed that he wanted to make a difference when he saws all of these murders first hand and it showed that the world was bigger than all the fancy parties and the money. What really makes people change and want to help is that they sees something that scares them to the point that they just want to help and make a difference. I know from first hand that if you see something that chills you to the bone that you want to make a difference so that thou never have to see it ever again.

  23. Well since I missed a big part of the movie I can't say much but, from what I saw at first I thought Oskar was just like the rest. All he cared about was money and power. Oskar didn't really care at first or maybe he didn't but it didn't seem like it. But throughout the movie it changed my mind because he started to care more, and more. It really changed my mind when I saw they he was giving all the people that were in the trains water. It was really sad to see all Jews being treaded bad and getting killed. At the end of the movie it was really, really, really, sweet because Oskar felt bad he couldn't save other lives. He started to cry and I mean he did do his best to save all the people he saved. He's a real hero, he saves millions of lives. I really loved this movie!!!! It was a great movie!

  24. By-syd quan ladariquishaquantarusshon jones the 19th (Cameron Daley)
    In the beginning Oskar Schindler was a bystander because he could really care less. And I also think that he did not fully understand what the Nazi's were doing to the jews. Also if it wasn't for Schindler's accountant then Schindler would remain oblivious for much longer. But thanks to his accountant Schindler realized what is happening to these innocent people and that he was just a bystander that could do something. So he tested the waters and experimented with his luck to save these people. And eventually he gave all of his money away and bent the rules to save 1,100 innocent people. In the end Oskar Schindler took action instead of by standing and helping the oppressor.

  25. In the beginning all Schindler cared about was the money. He saw the jews as cheap labor. But, as time progressed more and more jews wanted to work for, and this is when i think he realizes that he is actually saving these people from the awful things inside the camps. He then begins to protect them, and ends up spending millions on them. Even in the end when he has no more money he is still trying to save them. I think he changed because he realized all human life has purpose and he saw how happy his workers were and looked up to him.

  26. In the early stages of the Holocaust Schindler didn't realize what was going to happen to the Jews. He only cares about money at first but he begins to understand that he is actually saving a lot of people's lives by having them work for him. It's a win-win situation because he gets more workers and more money while saving more lives. He then starts to defend and protect his workers from the cruelty of the guards. The list he creates shows how he has changed so much throughout his experience. He decides to go through all the trouble to get his workers names and to save their lives rather than send them to Auschwitz. All his workers looked up to him and respected him and they grew on him a lot. Some people are willing to risk everything in order to save others because they realize that all human life is precious and none is worth more than others. So in order to save many lives they are willing to risk one.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I think Schindler was a good person. He started out just wanting to make lots of money and did not care about others he was only focused on himself. However he realized what was happening to all the Jews at the camps and did what he could to help them have better or even save there lives so I think he was a good guy overall

  29. Oscar Shindler started of as a bystander and not doing any transgressions against the jews and also not doing anything to stop it. But as the nazi's get worse agsinst the jews he starts to feel more and more bad. Once he realizes that he has an opertunity to save many of them from going to the camps. At first he mainly cared about the money and buisness but then he starts to care more and more about the jews that he is saving. He saves his friend and buissness partner from being taken. This is when he switches and realizes that being a bystander is actually helping the nazi's. He then starts to do everything he can to save as many jews as he can. I think that human morals drive us to do good things and help others. When we don't we regret it and it can hurt us even more to know that we didnt do anything to prevent this from happening.

  30. Oskar started out in the Holocaust as a bystander, only there to make a profit off of cheap labor and material, not even wanting to shake the hand of a jewish man who only wanted to thank him for the job, but as he witnessed the true horror and slaughter behind the nazi movement, he realized he could be doing so much more than he was. He started using his factory as an excuse for Jews to stay out of concentration camps and gas chambers. After he figured out how many lives he could save just by signing them to work in his factory, his signed as many as he could, saving generations upon generations of jewish bloodlines

  31. In the beginning Schindler didn't know what was going to happen to the Jewish people. He only cared about having workers in his factory to make him money. Soon he began to realize all the heinous things that happened to all the Jews in the concentration camps. He started to do everything he could to keep the Jewish people working for him to avoid the ridicule and harsh punishment of the Nazis. In the end he saved over 600 lives but he had to become a prisoner himself and pay for his so called "crimes".

  32. At the start, all Oskar cared about is money. As the situation escalated, he made a connection with all his workers and had a great sympathy for them. In the end he saved 1,200 jews from death. Oskar Shindler will be remembered for a long time as a do gooder in this world. Hopefully the human race can stop all the bloodshed in this world with the help of people like Oskar Shindler.

  33. At first Schindler wasn't helping the Jews nor hurting them. All that he was trying to do was make money off cheap labor. Then as the holocaust progressed Schindler realized how bad it was and so he started caring less and less about money and more and more about the Jews in the concentration camps. I think that it would be a really difficult thing to do; risk everything for the protection of other people that you don't really know, so to do it you would need to be extremely brave and compassionate.

  34. During the beginning of the movie the only thing Oskar was worried about was how much money he was making. But when he saw all the people being evicted from there houses and being loaded on trains, he felt sorry for him. It took him a while but he realized that people's lives are more important than his fortune. I think people do things like that because they know it is the right thing to do and they might be the only one to make a difference.

  35. In the beginning of the movie, Oscar was a simple bystander waiting to get in the cut with the Germans when he was at the dinner party. He was In search of a job and and few people to help him. Once he was ready and had his work factory going he hired Jews to work and get out of the camps. Over time he gained much wealth and poverty and had all his money saved up. He became a hero to the Jews when he released all them with the money he saved. YAY OSKAR!

  36. Schindler was a Nazi, and he used the war to make money for himself. But he was able to see what the Government didn't want to see. He felt sorry for the Jews being taken from their homes, and when he saw the conditions in the concentration camps, he started to take Jews to work in his factory, which had much better conditions than anywhere else. When he heard about the plan to eliminate the Jews, he rescued over 1,000 jews, by buying them and giving them shelter. By the end, he was devastated he couldn't save more.

  37. In the beginning of the movie Schindler was part of the Nazi party. He was more worried about making money and being successful, he was obsessed. Towards the end however, he started to sympathize for the Jews and started to support their freedom. He started to try saving Jews by making the General think he was a friend and that he was working the Jews hard but he was really providing them a place of safety. He became a hero amongst the Jewish community and Jews started coming to him for help. He risked everything to save them because he had a conscience. People cannot usually just stand around and watch people be abused

  38. In the beginning, Schindler was a supporter of the Nazi Party and used the Jews for profit. He did not care about the conditions of the Jews. As the war progressed he became aware of the truth of the Holocaust. He was appalled with the scene in the ghettoes and scarred by the crematorium. He soon started to take in Jews and help them through the Holocaust. He made sure that their factory did not make a single fireable round and that the Jews were comfortable. At the end of it all, he lost everything and was unable to restart his business. Schindler transformed from a man who only cared about money to someone who truly cared for the Jews and wanted it to all end as soon as possible.

  39. Oskar Schindler...discuss how he evolved from a bystander to collaborator, to resister and finally a rescuer during the holocaust. What makes some people risk everything to save others?
    Schindler was originally a Nazi supporter interested in the profit potential of cheap Jewish labor. He maintained good relations with the SS and Nazi party with gifts and bribes and made a fortune off of his factory. But after witnessing the atrocities they committed, he began to shield his workers regardless of the cost. He had to bribe Nazi officials with increasingly larger sums of money and valuables to prevent his workers from being deported to ghettos and concentration camps. He ended up saving the lives of over 1000 Jews, but spending his entire fortune in the process. He did this because he realized that human lives are more valuable than money or power.

  40. Oscar was a bad person at first he was really selfish to others around him, then he started to care. He saved 1,200 Jews he risked his life to save all this people and he did it because he didn't had a cold heart anymore he was really brave and kind to do it even tho he wasn't a Jew he was a Nazi. Everyone said that his factory was like heaven because everyone worked and didn't get killed.

  41. Oscar Started of his rule as any other Nazi commander. He was supporting the cause for any and all reason at first but when things started to get out of hand and people started to get killed for no reason, His moral instincts took over. Eventually as the movie went on, we saw that Oscar really was such a bad guy. He treated hi workers well and made it a priority to make the working conditions well to boost production. People like Oscar risk everything at some point because eventually people see that no matter what the reason for doing what they are doing, if power turns into destructive authority, not many people really want to support that. A sense of humanity stats to kick in when violence becomes the primary answer for disagreement
