Monday, March 31, 2014

Stalin vs. Hitlerr: Who's worse?

Hitler: Killer of 11 million people. Stalin: Killer of 40 million people.


  1. “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton." Cliven Bundy blatantly says that all black people would be better off picking cotton because otherwise they are sitting at home, collecting welfare. People like Bundy cross the line when they use stereotypes and hate speeches to define how they act and how they think others act, which is crossing the line.

  2. Stereotypes, propoganda, and hate speech begin to start when thoughts are taken too far. Particularly with people you do not know well or don't know you. Trying to prove your point to others is a huge trigger for stereotyping. When you put everyone that shares a common trait under the same characterisitc, that's when we begin to see stereotyping as well as propoganda. Not all of them could be considered hateful but more often then not, they become derogatory. For example, when we see someone in an airpot wearing a turban, we can't help but think of terrorism. Possesing hate speech happens when you use degrading or offensive words that are not neccessary such as, "fag" or "whore". Words can be very harmful when a line is crossed.

  3. It starts when you say something to people who are not necessarily close, and don't know that you are joking. It depends on how well you know the person you're saying it to, and how they take the words you say to them. They could think that the words are very offensive even if you know them very well, or they could take it as a joke which is what usually happens. Either way the word is still prejudice, even if you and the person you are talking know that it's a joke. It all depends how the person takes the word.

  4. I think that the line is drawn with words when it changes from joking around to being serious with what you are saying. When you are with friends and you say something like "that's gay" then it doesn't mean the same thing when you say that and you are actually around a gay person. Your friends will not take it very offensively, but a gay person would. The same thing would happen if you were around a black person and you used the word nigger. You might be joking with a friend and say "nigga" but if a black person were there he might be really offended.

  5. Idi was born in 1925 in Uganda, when he finished school he joined the KAR. In 1959he gained the highest position in the ranks for a black African. Idi over through the elected government and declared himself president. During his rule 300,000 people were executed including Christian tribes and anyone who was against him. He also supplied terrorist with weapons and people. He died in 2003.
